In LIRA SAPR, a command Information about nodes and elements can be found on the Select toolbar. It allows not only to get the full information about all components of the model but also to edit many of them. To run it, click the button - Information about nodes and elements and point the cursor onto any element or node. Depending on the commands that are run, the appearance of the mouse cursor within the model display window may vary. In the node or element assignment mode, to get the information the cursor looks like this - . The command is active until the user will cancel it by clicking the button - Information about nodes and elements or will activate another mode on the Select toolbar. It means that the user can get an unlimited amount of information opening a new dialog boxes by clicking from one node (or bar) to another.
The Information about element dialog box is shown in Fig. 1.
The dialog box provides full information about the properties of the selected node or element. Depending on the mode (creating a model, analysis results visualization, and design), the dialog box Information about element may contain various information.
The dialog box Information about element in mode of creating design model contains:
In the mode of analysis results visualization:
In the mode of Reinforced concrete (RC) and steel structures:
Information dialog boxes also provide the possibility to correct the data. Components such as stiffness, loads, hinges can be changed without leaving the window.
Therefore, to correct the load, you need to perform the following operations:
It is possible to correct any of the parameters characterizing a given type of load. But it is impossible to change the type of load. If you need to do this, click on the button Delete to cancel assigned load (Fig.1). Then reassign load with desired type (Loads button, Loads panel, Create and edit tab).
The “Information about node” dialog box (Fig. 3) looks like the “Information about element” dialog box. In this dialog box you can correct the loads applied to the node and set restrains or correct existing ones (check/uncheck direction of restrains and click Apply).
In dialog box Information about node/element there is an opportunity to delete selected node or element. The Delete element/node button is used to delete an element or node (and, consequently, elements adjacent to it).
After clicking the Delete button you don’t need to click on the Apply button. To restore the lost part, you will need to use the - Cancel command (Quick Access Toolbar). - Cancel command (Quick Access Toolbar).
If you find a mistake and want to inform us about it, select the mistake, then hold down the CTRL key and click ENTER.